1950's Educational Video's

When people say, "That's the old way of doing things" it doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad thing. I think there's a lot to be learned from the past. Sometimes we learn a new way or we learn from the past mistakes of others but then sometimes we remember what we have forgotten as time has passed. These are the times we go back to the basics, back to our roots, and remember that newer isn't always better. 

Control Your Emotions

Buying Food

How to say NO and still keep your friends

Dating: DO'S and DONT'S


  1. “That’s the old way of doing things.”—Yes, it was! It can be a simple passage but the meaning is there. I agree with you about learning from the past. It really IS our guide to the future. But today, I rarely see educational videos like what I watched from your blog. You know, with the same message. Thanks for sharing!

    Jim Chabris
